Charlie's Angels Animal Sanctuary, Inc., a cat café
Charlie's Angels Animal Sanctuary, Inc., a cat café
According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.3 million dogs and cats enter animal shelters each year and about 1 million of them are euthanized every year. The Humane Society estimates that two-thirds of those euthanized are healthy animals that could have been adopted into new families. We cannot save them all but we can save them one by one.
North Carolina is ranked third nationwide in pet shelter deaths. North Carolina along with Texas, Florida, Louisiana and California account for half of all shelter pet deaths nationwide according to the Best Friends Society.
Some North Carolina counties euthanize on average 68% of cats they receive but many hover around the 50% kill rate. Statewide we average out to euthanizing around 30% of all cats received and 15% of dogs.
YOU can stop this by adopting from a shelter or rescue. 34% of dogs as pets were purchased from a breeder according to the ASPCA. These same dogs are waiting for you in a local shelter.
YOU CAN STOP ANIMAL HOMELESSNESS by adopting from a shelter or rescue.
Many dogs and cats are returned after adoption. We hope that meeting our animals in the café will reduce the return rate.
About 47% of dogs and 42% of cats are abandoned at shelters for "pet problems." The ASPCA defined the pet problems as behavioral issues, health problems that the owner cannot handle and animals that grew larger than expected.
If you do nothing else, please spay or neuter your pet.
A cat can produce three liters per year with an average of 3-6 kittens per litter.
A dog can produce three litters per year with an average of 5-6 puppies per litter.
Lincoln loved his two cats Tabby and Dixie. When asked about her husband's hobbies, First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln simply replied, "Cats."
One decision every cat owner must make is whether or not their feline friend should be allowed outdoors. One should consider that the average life span of a totally outdoor cat is about a year and a half, while a cat that resides totally indoors is expected to live upwards of 15 years.
You are most likely aware of the obvious dangers of car fan belts, tires, toxic plants, dogs and cruel people. However, some life-threatening dangers include:
Diseases that have no vaccines such as Feline Aids or vaccines that are not reliably effective against diseases like Feline Leukemia;
A cat can get heartworms through mosquito bites;
Antifreeze has a sweet taste and is irresistible to cats. A cat who has walked through a small pool of antifreeze and cleans its paws has ingested a fatal dose;
Cat collars which do not provide breakaway or stretch releases have killed cats by choking or hanging;
Fighting among outdoor kitties not only spreads disease, it can result in painful abscesses which require medical attention (an untreated abscess can kill a cat);
Cats can ingest toxoplasmosis while eating prey that has been exposed. Not only can it kill a cat, it is contagious to people and can result in severe birth defects.
Fleas, ticks and mites can also carry life threatening diseases and getting them out of your home is expensive and time-consuming.
Ringworm can be contracted by a cat while outdoors digging in the dirt and is contagious to humans.
Cats do not observe property lines and your neighbor may not have a problem shooting, trapping or poisoning your family pet.
So, instead of allowing your cat outside, you can:
Provide a window perch for them and put out a bird feeder for entertainment.
You can also put them in a safe outdoor enclosure or a screened in porch and give kitty some way to get back into your house if they need.
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